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S .F. A

Determine how well an elementary school student with disabilities functions in the nonacademic aspects of a school setting with the School Function Assessment . The SFA is used to evaluate and measure a student’s performance with various functional tasks required for increased participation academically and socially in an elementary school.


The Management, Parents, Students and the Teaching Fraternity are a team and complement each other's efforts. Education is not just a process of giving knowledge for a high profiled job but a lifelong process which creates an understanding of moral and ethical values to guide and make our students morally upright citizens of the country.

School Facilities
  • Computer Lab
  • Composite Science Lab
  • Math Lab
  • Library
  • Music and Dance
  • Department of Education
  • Department of Games
  • Department of Fine Arts
  • School Facilities

    What we think ?


    Who We Are & What We Do

    Department of School Education & Literacy

    (Affiliation Status- Affiliated to CBSE ,New Delhi, Affiliation No- 1630896)

    The school's international leadership role invites all the disciplines devoted to the built environment to think differently. Its mission is to use the highest level of professional training as a creative space of experimentation and analysis that nurtures new forms of professional, scholarly, technical and ethical practice.

    School of the Arts is a vibrant intellectual and artistic laboratory where students work, experiment and learn under the guidance of professors acclaimed in their fields of Film, Theatre, Visual Arts and Writing.

    School's global education prepares students for lifetime leadership in any industry. Its curriculum bridges pioneering research and industry practice and fosters the entrepreneurial mindset. The school ranks among the world's most innovative.


    Researchers in Schools is a teacher training and professional development programme exclusive to researchers who have completed a doctorate. It exists to increase and disseminate subject expertise, promote research and champion university access within schools by training researchers to become highly-effective classroom teachers and future subject leaders in the education sector.

    Researchers in Schools recruits and places high-calibre candidates – those with excellent communication, interpersonal and research skills – to train and then work as teachers in non-selective state schools across the country through a bespoke initial teacher training programme that is exclusive to researchers who have completed.

    Use the directory below of our schools to find the area of study you're passionate about.orbi. 

    What We Do


    Department of School Education

    While the Department of School Education & Literacy is responsible for development of school education and literacy in the country, the Department of Higher Education takes care of what is one of the largest Higher Education systems of the world, just after the United States and China.


    Human Resource Development

    The essence of Human Resource Development is education, which plays a significant and remedial role in balancing the socio-economic fabric of the Country. Since citizens of India are its most valuable resource, our billion-strong nation needs the nurture and care in the form of basic education to achieve a better quality of life.


    Primary Elementary Secondary

    The vision of the School Education Sector is to ensure universalization of Primary, Elementary, Secondary and Higher Secondary Education and to ensure quality education for Human Resource Development.

    Amrit Lal Garg

    Sh. Amrit Lal Garg


    Mrs. Shweta Sharma

    News & Events

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    A duly filled form available from the school/website is to be submitted with the non-refundable, non-transferable Registration Fee within 7 days from the date of issue of form or the last date given.
  • (A) A copy of birth certificate must be attached with the registration form.
  • (B) Students who have attended other schools need to submit a photocopy of the report card of the last two years from the previous school and Transfer/School Leaving Certificate signed by the competent authority of the Education Department.

  • Admission Test:

    The children who have registered will have to appear for an admission test (from class III onwards), which may be written or oral as laid down by the School for different levels. The test will be held for English, Mathematics and/or any other subject which may be considered necessary.   Read more!

    Computer Lab

    Information and communication technology (ICT) is an integral part of the school’s curriculum. The school computer lab is adequately equipped with computers, multimedia, scanner, LCD, dot matrix, colour printers, CD's, Handy Cam and OHP. Internet connectivity is also provided to the students’ teachers and staff. Teachers assist students in seeking out information, creating multimedia content, collaborating on project work and presenting the knowledge gathered from multiple sources.


    There shall be two General Awareness /Environmental Education Tests for classes III to IX , one before Half- Yearly Examination and other before Annual Examination. In class X there shall be one General Awareness / Environmental Education Test along with Half – yearly Examination. Since General Studies and Environmental Education is a part of curriculum of classes XI & XII, a written test of one hour duration will be conducted along with the Half - Yearly and Annual Examination in class XI and along with Half- Yearly in class XII. The average of these tests will be considered for calculating the final grades at the end of class XII, which is to be sent to Board.


    Get in touch with our School



    "AADHAR PUBLIC SCHOOL has an amazing ability to attract top people who work for the love of teaching. The school has given me a tremendous amount of freedom to pursue knowledge and experiences far beyond that of a typical high school, and has challenged me to explore my interests in great depth."

    "One thing I realized during [my son’s] senior year there, was how kind and responsible he had become ...not only for himself, but for friends and family. The school works as a community to really develop responsibility, sensitivity, and resourcefulness in the students."

    AADHAR PUBLIC SCHOOL is a school where the teachers really care about their students. The teachers really know each student and what they need scholastically. It's a school where kids come and feel loved and safe.